Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the official Ohio Registration site?No, is an independent third-party agency. If it was your intention to visit the official state site, you can access it via this link.
What are the eligibility requirements for renewing my registration online through this site?
- The vehicle must be currently registered with the Ohio BMV.
- It is 90 days or less until your registration expiration date.
- It is no more than 6 months beyond your registration expiration date.
- You own or lease the vehicle.
- All the personal and vehicular information on your registration renewal is correct.
- You do not need to submit any additional documents in order to complete your registration (i.e. receipt of tickets paid).
- You have a valid credit card for payment.
- You know your license plate number.
- You have a valid SSN.
- The vehicle has a current emissions inspection, if you live in an E-Check county.
- Your license plate number.
- The last 4 digits of the registered vehicle owner’s social security number.
- A valid Visa, Discover, or MasterCard.
In addition to the fees you owe the state for your renewal, charges an additional agency fee of $17.75 to offer benefits that are unavailable through the state portal, including One-Click registration renewals. If you do not wish to pay these fees to use our service, you may visit the official state site to complete your registration renewal.
When will I receive my renewed registration in the mail?Once your registration has been processed with the Ohio BMV, it can take between 10 to 15 business days for you to receive your registration in the mail.
If I have moved, do I need to have my address changed before I use your site?No, if your address does not match the address registered with the BMV site, we will let you know and verify where you would like us to send your renewal.
Why should I use to renew my registration?When you renew with our assistance, you benefit from these valuable enhancements to the standard online process:
- One-Click Renewals: When you submit your renewal request on our site, we store your information securely for rapid, convenient processing in the future. This saves you the trouble of having to remember when to renew, as well as the time spent re-submitting lengthy online forms.
- More Payment Options: We are proud to offer alternate payment options that are not available through the official state portal, such as PayPal checkout and Apple Pay. This makes your experience more convenient, especially when you're on the go or using your mobile device.
- Fast Response Times: You will receive a response regarding your questions very quickly. Our average response time can be as low as five minutes and we answer your questions from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.
- No Maintenance time: The Ohio online portal may periodically go down for scheduled maintenance, making it impossible to renew until the website comes back online. Our site is always available, which means we’re always ready to process your renewal when you are.
- Mobile Friendly: Our site is mobile friendly, which makes it easy to renew from wherever you are, even if you're on a tablet or smart phone.
- Satisfaction Guarantee: We offer all of these benefits to make the renewal experience better for you. But if we fail in any way to meet or exceed your expectations, contact support and let us know. We’ll do whatever we can to make it right.
- Text Notifications: We will notify you via text if there is an update on your registration so that you can stay informed even if you are away from your computer.
- Ticket Protection: Every year, the state collects millions in revenue from late fees and citations, but we do our best to help you keep that money in your pocket. If you're an active customer and you receive a ticket for expired registration, send us a picture of the ticket that shows the amount due and we'll reimburse you. This offer is subject to the terms of service governing this site.
- BMV Advocates: Sometimes issues arise with a renewal, causing it to be delayed or even denied. This is inconvenient, but it can also be time-consuming. You could end up waiting on hold for up to an hour trying to speak to a BMV agent. We take away that burden by dealing directly with the BMV office on your behalf, no matter how long it takes to get through.
We offer online registration renewal for Ohio residents through our agency service, which offers several benefits above-and-beyond the official state registration portal. Our service includes a "No Wait" guarantee that ensures you will not wait on hold with the state of Ohio customer hotline, expert review of your information to verify eligibility and look over your registration before submitting to the state, and secure payment processing using 256-bit SSL to help ensure that your information is not intercepted by a third party. Your payment information is not stored, so your card data is not held in a government database or susceptible to access from outside parties. We also offer a one-click renewal option to simplify your registration process in subsequent years.
What is a One-Click Renewal and how does it work?One of the great benefits of using our registration service is the One-Click Renewal feature. This process was developed to save you time and effort. We can process your renewals in the future with very little effort from you!
In future years, when your registration is about the expire, we will email you to clarify that your information (mailing address, credit card information, vehicle plate number, etc.) is still accurate and up to date. You will be prompted to verify your information and, after clicking submit, we will renew your registration for you. It is that simple! You will no longer need to fill out the same forms each year!
Note: You will not automatically be charged and you do not have to continue enrollment in the program. If at any time, you want to cancel your enrollment in this program, simply contact us and your membership will be cancelled. Also, if you simply do not respond to our automatic renewal correspondence, you will be removed from the program without being charged or renewed.
How do I claim my FREE sticker replacement?We are happy to provide you with a free registration card and/or sticker replacement at no charge to you! In the event that your card and/or sticker are lost, mutilated or stolen, we will reimburse the $4.50 fee that is required by the state of Ohio.
To get your replacement card and/or sticker, you will need to complete the Application for a Duplicate Registration Card and/or Validation Sticker. This application should be submitted by mail to the Ohio Treasurer of State at the following address:
Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Attention: Special Plates Unit
P.O. Box 16521
Columbus, OH 43216-6521
You will be required to submit the required $4.50 replacement fee to the state at that time. Also, if your car is leased, you will need to include a Power of Attorney, signed by the leasing company, to obtain your replacement from the state.
After applying for your replacement card and/or sticker, simply let us know and we will reimburse the $4.50 fee. We do not require any proof and won’t ask any questions. You can contact us. It's that simple!
- One-Click Renewals
- BMV Advocates
- Free Sticker Replacement
- Secure Processing
- Satisfaction Guarantee
- Fast Response Times
- No Maintenance Time
- More Payment Options
- Text Notifications
- Apple Pay Accepted
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